- 16 Jul 2018 01:39 PM
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eVTOL News™ Directory Breaks 100 Aircraft Listed
The Electric VTOL News™ now has more than 100 aircraft cataloged in the most extensive directory of electric and hybrid-electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft in the world. Launched in April 2017 after the first Uber Elevate Summit, the directory grew at a rate of about one aircraft per week during the first year, but this has now accelerated to an average rate of two aircraft per week as more aircraft are unveiled and new actors join The Electric VTOL Revolution.
The website is managed by AHS — The Vertical Flight Society and builds on more than five years of past articles, workshops and conferences on the incredible promise and progress of electric/hybrid-electric VTOL for manned and large unmanned applications.
As of July 15, 2018, the site has 45 vectored thrust aircraft listed; 12 lift + cruise configurations; 24 wingless multicopter aircraft; and 23 Hover Bikes/Personal Flying Devices.
In addition, the website now hosts more than 100 news articles and in-depth stories on eVTOL aircraft and developments.
Please let us know what you think or send us any updates we may be missing at news@eVTOL.news. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter.
More importantly, if you are interested in eVTOL or any kind of vertical flight technology, you should join the Vertical Flight Society to gain access to the incredible benefits that the world's only non-profit focused exclusively on VTOL aircraft.
Recent additions to the directory that broke 100 include the Opener "BlackFly" and the Rolls-Royce "EVTOL", with additional aircraft added as they become public. Follow the eVTOL News™ via our eVTOL eNewsletter or via social media on Twitter @electricVTOL and Facebook @electricVTOL, and check out our eVTOL videos on YouTube @VTOLsociety.
Posted: July 16, 2018
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